open post
“There is more than just the representation of reality. The reality is interpreted in her sense and points far beyond the mere image. Most of the pictures show women in often unusual, empty surroundings. They have merged with their surroundings, are part of nature. In the form of stones but mainly manifesting in water, even partly frozen water. They seem melancholic and lonely but you can always find a lifeline, a deep dawn or a boat that you can firmly stand on. Emotions take shape here. There is a very clear concept behind Simone Betz’s photos, hence “conceptual photography” that needs to be implemented. Feelings are presented and communicated to the viewers. They in turn should find the courage to allow his own feelings and thus enter into a dialogue with the picture. The basis of Simone´s work is the idea of “panta rhei”: everything flows, nothing stays as it is. Nature never stands still and life means constant change.”